Enquire about Non-residential Property Purchase Mortgage Loan

Before completing the online form, please read Tokuda Bank’s personal data protection terms

I am aware that:

  1. TOKUDA BANK AD, entered into the Commercial Register at the Registry Agency with UIC 813155318 /the Bank/, is a personal data administrator. The Bank is having its seat and registered office in Sofia, Vazrazhdane District, 21, George Washington Street,  www.tokudabank.bg, phone: (02) 403 79 00; (02) 403 79 85, e-mail: headoffice@tcebank.com, Data Protection Officer: dpo@tcebank.com.

  2. My personal data will be collected and processed by the Bank for the purpose of reviewing my request for bank financing, analysis of my solvency, retrieving data from databases (Central Credit Register, National Social Security Institute, National Revenue Agency, registries at the Registry Agency, Central Pledge Registry and/or other databases), collateral assessment, provision of precontractual information by the Bank when required by the law, and carrying out of other activities preceding the conclusion of funding agreements (credit, bank guarantee, letter of credit and/or other types of funding) or security agreements (guarantee, mortgage, pledge).

  3. For the above purpose, the Bank will process the following personal data/personal data categories:

    • Names

    • Gender

    • Date and place of birth

    • Formal personal identification number /e.g., Personal ID No., Foreigner’s ID No./ or other unique identification elements contained in a formal identity document

    • Identity document

    • Any nationality of the person

    • Residence country and address

    • Information about the person’s professional activities and the purpose and nature of his/her role in the business relations /*this data is collected when the business relations are established/

    • Contact information /e.g., address, phone, e-mail/

    • Client number and/or user name of the person in the Bank 

    • Bank account(s) number

    • Education

    • Tax and social security information

    • Information about the economic, financial and social status /e.g., income, owned property, credit indebtedness, profession, length of service, place of work, position, marital status, related parties, etc./

    • Information about any concluded and valid personal insurance contract(s)

    • Information about the income of a spouse or cohabitee of the credit applicant

    • Physical identification data /e.g., facial and voice identification, handwriting, signature/

      The Bank may also collect additional information as per the procedure and requirements of the applicable Bulgarian and EU legislation.

  4. Personal data will be collected and processed by the Bank as per the requirements of the Measures Against Money Laundering Act, Measures Against Terrorism Financing Act, Credit Institutions Act, Consumer Credit Act, Consumer Credits Related to Immovable Property Act, Commerce Act, Obligations and Contracts Act, Special Pledge Act, Financial Collateral Act, Personal Data Protection Act, Bank Deposit Guarantee Act, Currency Act, Tax and Social Security Procedure Code, Payment Services and Payment Systems Act , BNB Ordinance No. 3 of 16 July 2009 on the Terms and Procedure for the Execution of Payment Transactions and Use of Payment Instruments, BNB Ordinance No. 12 of 29 September 2016 on the Register of Bank Accounts and Safe Deposit Boxes, BNB Ordinance No. 22 of 16 July 2009 on the Central Credit Register, BNB Ordinance No. 23 of 16 December 2016 on the Terms and Procedure for Payout of Covered Deposit Amounts, Rules on the Implementation of the Measures Against Money Laundering Act and other applicable legal and subordinate acts of the effective Bulgarian and EU legislation. 

  5. If the request for funding and the relevant collateral are approved, the Bank will keep the collected personal data during the period of validity of the concluded contract and for 5 /five/ years after its termination (in case of any changes in this statutory period, the Bank will keep personal data for the period specified as per the applicable Bulgarian and EU legislation). 
    If the request for funding and the relevant collateral are not approved, the Bank will keep the collected personal data for a period of up to 3 /three/ months after rejecting the request.

  6. The personal data provided by me may be further disclosed to:

    • Employees of the Bank in the course of their professional duties for the above purposes.

    • State, municipal and other public bodies and institutions, notaries, enforcement agents, other natural or legal persons, or other institutions for the above purposes, in order to exercise or fulfil the Bank’s legal rights and obligations.

    • Persons assigned by the Bank to assess collateral.

    • Insurers and insurance intermediaries/brokers for the purpose of conclusion, provision and implementation of personal/property insurance.

    • Persons contracted by the Bank for joint design or provision of services/products.

    • Persons contracted by the Bank to mediate the provision of bank services/products.

    • Outsourced contact centres providing information on the Bank’s services/products.

    • Persons assigned by the Bank to provide certain external services /such as maintenance of TOKUDA BANK AD’s bank system; provision of security and restricted access to the Bank; document archiving; consultancy services; audit services, etc./.

    • Persons who have contacts or are in precontractual negotiations with the Bank regarding transferring their receivables from funding agreements and security agreements.

    • Persons assigned by the Bank to print, prepare and/or deliver written correspondence and/or information materials of the Bank.

  7. Being a natural person - data subject, I am entitled to request from TOKUDA BANK AD to grant me access, delete or amend my personal data, or to restrict the processing of my personal data, and I have the right to object to the processing of such data, as well as the right to data portability.

  8. My requests for the exercising of the above rights should be submitted in writing to the Bank.

  9. The Bank does not use automated decision-making processes, including profiling.

  10. I have the right to file a claim at the Personal Data Protection Commission / Sofia, 1592, 2 Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov/ if I believe that my personal data has been processed by the Bank in violation of the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation).

Data Processing Agreement Declaration

By putting a tick in the relevant box below, I hereby declare that I give my explicit consent to TOKUDA BANK AD to process my personal data for the above purposes.

I am aware that I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time. The withdrawal of my consent will not affect the legality of the processing of my personal data by the Bank based on my consent before its withdrawal.

If I do not agree, TOKUDA BANK AD will not be able to send me their bank financing proposal.