Accounts of Private Enforcement Agents (PEA)

Opening and maintenance of accounts of private enforcement agents under Article 24(1) of Law on private enforcement agent (LPEA) .


The Bank opens a package of accounts for the following purposes:

  • Special client account for keeping the funds which the Private Enforcement Agents receive for liquidating the assets of debtors whose debts the PEA has been engaged to enforce.
  • Interest account for the daily settle of the interestdue by the Bank, accrued on the funds in the special account described above.
  • Payment account for fees and charges payable by the creditors of the PEA.
  • Payment account for keeping funds received by the PEA in connection with additional activities under Art. 18 of the LPEA
  • Standard (current) payment account for payment of any bank’s fees and commissions due by the client, as well as for other incomes and expenses related to its activity


At a bank branch

Go to a convenient bank branch to complete and submit the required documents. Sign an account opening contract.